- first I watched the opening scene to goodfellas. which is the perfect example of a gangster thriller and action film .
- the opeing ceditswith the casts name coming across the scene with the car sound acoming them. then we see a car from behind .
- the film starts with three seemingly normal people (joe pesci , robert di nero and ray liotta) in the car , then a soft quite banging nosie in the boot of the car. the three men open the car to see a violently dieing man in the boot. then two of the men stabb/shot the man .
- then the vocie over from ray liotta saying "I always wanted to be a gangster. this film perfectly dumps the audence direcly into the world of a new york gangster and starts halfway though making it hard to stop watching the film this is also helped with the egnigma code of the dieing man in the boot.

- the second film opeing I watched was there will be blood , this is one of best films of the last 5 years.
- the film opening is without diolouge but still drags the audence into the film with wide shot and atmospheric music .
- this is a great example of how small amounts of action can still be made interesting and compelling.

the third film than I analysis was A clockwork orange by stanley kubrick .
- the opening is one of the best thriller opeings of all time
- it introduces us to the main character and without saying so it reveals everything about him
- the extreme close up of the alex character fading into close up is haunting and clever
- the music makes the effect of disturbing threat so much more , with the mordern syth like music it also adds to the modernist dystopian setting.
- when given the image of the four "drogs" in the milk bar the serreal element of the story is introduced we fall seemlessly into the world of the film.

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